John Leo
If you are looking for my UCLA PhD thesis, it is here: Fourier Coefficients of Triangle Functions.
Upcoming Presentations and Performances
Seattle Chinese Orchestra East Meets West Concert, Benaroya Hall, Saturday, September 28, 2024, 1-3pm
Recent Past Presentations and Performances
Pacifica Chamber Orchestra concert, Saturday, February 24, 2024, 3pm
Chinese Remainder Theorem, talk and demonstration at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco, Wednesday, January 3, 2024, 3:00-3:30pm. Slides. Music Video
I do independent research in mathematics and computer science at Halfaya Research. I am particularly interested in analysis and synthesis of music.
I perform on 中阮 (zhongruan) with the Seattle Chinese Orchestra. I also compose music and play the piano.
I maintain pages on my favorite authors Alain Robbe-Grillet and Marie Redonnet, as well as a selection of my own much more modest attempts at fiction.
I was co-chair (with Youyou Cong) of FARM 2022, the ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design. In 2023 I was again co-chair of FARM, this time with Mae Milano. I am now on the FARM Steering Committee.
I was an alpine climb and scramble leader for the Mountaineers, although I'm taking a break from mountaineering.
I currently focus on running and competitive racing as a member of Club Northwest, where I was the Vice President of Teams from 2020-23.
Email: leo@(this domain)